Thursday, April 11, 2013

Joy Dare: 76-78/1000 {3 gifts opened}

new coffee creamer, southern butter pecan... guilty pleasure...

a book... not my kindle, an actual bound book, pages turning.  I love the smell...

chiropractors door.  pain relief awaits...

Joy Dare: 73-75/1000 {a gift hiding, held, heard}

Sorry for the lack of photos lately, I need to charge my camera battery...

an uncle, brother, hiding just around the corner, baby boy catching up... we anticipate the delicious squeals...

juicy apple, held all by himself...

sweet lyrics, heard, "tomorrows freedom is today's surrender" - all sons and daughters

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Joy Dare: 64-72/1000 {catching up... again}

This really is supposed to be a daily thing...  I'll get there.  I'm getting there...
lacing up my running shoes... first time in a while...

sun warming my face as I walk and jog, muscles trying to remember what to do...

looking back to see son and husband smiling, encouraging, supporting...

the finish... always the finish...

me, my mom and her mom, light conversation after a heavy meal...

signs of spring... yes, even my itchy nose makes me thankful.  it means the cold is leaving...

bare baby feet stepping onto sun warmed grass...

and oh those chubby little legs...

infectious giggles...

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Joy Dare: 34-63/1000 {catch up day...}

So... this is when I would normally quit.  Over a week and 30 gifts behind. 

But I won't. 

So here I go.

a baby's symphony

 new tricks... "brush 'em off" (brought to you by Pa)
lunch outside on a beautiful day...
chubby fists...
excited squeals...
he loves broccoli...
this smile...
he loves me...
these eyes... oh these eyes...
Christ risen...

new traditions...

 robins egg blue corduroy made with love by Grammy...
 new discoveries through little eyes...

 family firsts...
 an adoring and attentive daddy...

fun neighbors with fun toys...
 a space to play outside...
 he loves his daddy...
shorts weather...
 big boy firsts...
 sweet neighbor kids...
loungy afternoons...

surprise visistors...
good, meaningful fellowship...
sweet, female playmates...

 sunshine this morning...

Friday, March 29, 2013

Joy Dare: 31-33/1000 {3 gifts redeemed}

"What does that word mean, exactly?"  wondered my brother after telling him todays joy dare.  Redeemed.  What did it mean... exactly... 

"Maybe that's a good place to start..."  I replied.  "We'll look up the actual definition.  I mean, I know we are redeemed, like, as believers.  Christ redeemed us with His death on the cross.  Like, we're made new.  But, I guess I don't know the exact meaning."  I rambled, slightly embarrassed that I didn't have a better answer for him, 9.5 years my junior.  I was sure at some point in my life I had to have known an actual meaning, but all I could think about was Christ...

I looked it up.  Whoa...

re·deem (r-dm)
tr.v. re·deemed, re·deem·ing, re·deems
1. To recover ownership of by paying a specified sum.
2. To pay off (a promissory note, for example).
3. To turn in (coupons, for example) and receive something in exchange.
4. To fulfill (a pledge, for example).
5. To convert into cash: redeem stocks.
6. To set free; rescue or ransom.
7. To save from a state of sinfulness and its consequences. See Synonyms at save1.
8. To make up for: The low price of the clothes dryer redeems its lack of special features.
9. To restore the honor, worth, or reputation of: You botched the last job but can redeem yourself on this one.

The meaning IS Christ.  He is it.  The answer.  The definition of redemption.  He has REDEEMED. 

He has recovered me from the evil one, paid for my sins with His own blood in exchange for my freedom, fulfilled God's righteous wrath, turned my rags into riches...

set. me. free.

rescued me, saved me from eternity apart from the Father, He made up for my great lack of righteousness...

He has restored honor to my flesh, made my life worthy, took my failures and made me whole. 

Full of His grace and mercy.


One word.  One man.  Changed everything.

One word worth 1000 thanks right there.  I am thankful.  I am redeemed.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Joy Dare: 28-30/1000 {3 gifts almost gone}

fully enjoyed mid-morning warmth...
fresh, brown, super breakfast...
a homemade meal for two...

Joy Dare: 25-27/1000 {a gift sung, written, painted}

sung, at bedtime, a prayer for our boy...

 written, structure, brings harmony in our home...

painted, precious love between mother and child.  sweet images for little learning eyes...