Here is a picture of Les, Ang and I, don't we look summery?!?
Just Ang and I, and the balloons :)
Getting ready to blow out the candles!
It was a great night, and I felt so loved, thank you to all involved, I love you so much!!!
So then Saturday Chris, his brother Jason, his cousins and some friends played in a dodgeball tournament! It was so fun to watch them play... they took it so seriously!
Sunday I planned a portrait session with a sweet fam (I work with Amber, the mom/wife). We met at Mountain Park, had a picnic, and then they just played while I snapped away! Here are a few of the finished product:
Then we had our orientation at church for Inside Out, the highschool youth group we are getting involved in. It was so fun! We just got to meet some people, did a little team building, and then the students came... they did their normal deal (praise and worship, and talk, and then smqall groups), when the others were doing small groups they pulled the upcoming freshmen aside (which is what grade we will be leading) and kinda gave them the rundown of how Inside Out works and what to expect. It was really exciting! Chris and I are pumped about this new chapter in our lives!
Then Tuesday was my b-day. Went to mom's after work and grilled out. Everybody was ther but Lolli, she had to study :( We talked laughed, looked at Annie & Matt's awesome wedding pics, and swam in the pool for a while. It was great, low key just how I like it :)
Then today.... dum dum dum.... I had to give a presentation to the executive board at work today... talk about puke-inducing! I thought I was going to pass out when I was getting ready for work this morning. It ended up going really well though! They said we did a great job (I had a partner, which also made it easier). Success! I feel like a weight has been lifted now that it's over!