I subscribe to an incredible blog called Passionate Homemaking, and just recently read a post about scripture memory. This is a concept I took to heart in college and it absolutely changed my day to day. I felt like I was always prepared for any conversation... I was more loving, more patient, more intentional with my words... and generally more joyful. So, I ask myself... why in the world is this not something I am still practicing??
I have been struggling so much lately with my mouth... speaking out of frustration or anger. I find myself criticising those closest to me with harsh words and selfish motives. I long for God to tame my tongue and teach me to be patient... a good listener... an encourager... that my words would be uplifting to those I love, and give life, rather than suck the life out of them. I know that memorizing scripture, and having God's promises and teachings in my head and in my heart will help me be who I long to be.... a sweet spirited, God-loving, truth speaking, encouraging woman!
In this particular blog she shared with us some of the scripture she's been memorizing lately and one of them struck a chord with the sin I have been seeing in my life lately.
"This you know my beloved Brethren, everyone must be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry, for the anger of a man does not achieve the righteousness of God"
(James 1:19-20)
It's one I've heard a million times before, but it's never "gotten" me like it did this time. Am I quick to listen to others when I've had a long day and all I want to do is grip and complain, or just sit by myself in quiet? Am I quick to listen when my husband is excited to talk to me about something but I am in the middle of reading or watching a show? Am I quick to listen when I have something I am dying to say myself? No... I'm not... and I'm definitely not slow to anger. So, I have chosen this to be my first passage to memorize. I am starting with an achievable goal of one passage a month. I want to start slow, and not overwhelm myself with an unrealistic goal. I also want the passage to truly be burned on my heart... so I want it to simmer. I want God to transform me in a new way each day with this passage... that I would continue to learn new things about myself, and about the words it contains. I look forward to blogging about my encounters with scripture!
Love the verse, Love your heart and vulnerability, Love that your blogging again!