Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wow... it's been a really long time...

I am not going to use this post to "fill in the gap" from my last post. That would take me days, not to mention, no one really cares! ;) I also decided that was what was ultimately keeping me from getting back on the "blogging horse"... thinking I had to write a novel about what's been going on lately. Refreshingly, God freed me from that thought. I am going to start new... and blog as much as I can about what is going on NOW. I hope you enjoy.

I have been constantly amazed by God's intense presence in my life... even in my complete lack of faithfulness. I have the most incredible husband, wonderful friends and family, and a great job. Even more than that God has been teaching me so much about what a passionate life looks like. I have an awesome Small Group and we just recently began a study involving the book "Sun Stand Still" by Stephen Furtic. It's been amazing and we are only through chapter 3! SO looking forward to discussing with Small Group tonight! I don't want to tell you too much, because you need to buy a copy and read for yourself! It's based around the story of Joshua and the battle against the Amortites. The Amortites had begun to flee because Joshua and his army were defeating them. However, Joshua knew the battle wasn't over and prayed a most outrageous prayer that God would make the sun stand still and keep the darkness from falling so they could fulfill their purpose in battle. God made the sun stand still for His people! If he can stop the solar system... can't He then surely answer my faithless prayers??? I am so encouraged to ask God to do HUGE things in our family, and in my life. Furtic refers to this as audacious faith... God, that I would have audacious faith... even in the little things! I am praying that God will rock my world with this concept. I don't want to be a content Christian... I want to believe God can do the impossible through me. Don't get me wrong... I am not moving to China to be a missionary or anything like that... but just simply praying big things for our everyday lives. In my mind, that could be as small as believing that he can ACTUALLY save my co-workers... that He will ACTUALLY provide a way for me to stay at home with our future children... that He is capable, that He WANTS to hear those prayers of audacious faith.

What will it take for us to truly pray Sun Stand Still prayers for our life... and activate audacious faith??

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